Hi, you are “face to face with Shell”.

I am going to tell you another story of something that was said to me after I was burned.  It did hurt me initially but before we get to that; have you seen the other two pages/videos in this series?  If not, please click on the links below:




Here is the story that I want to tell you, it is quite similar to “Part 2”.  Please watch this video and read on:

A friend once said to me that she liked going out with me, as it meant that she got more attention.  She was telling me that she had another friend who was very pretty and that friend got all the attention when they were out together.  Her words to me were:  “That’s why I like going out with you”. 

The way I took it was; that because I was scarred, it would mean that she would get the attention!  I honestly don’t think she understood the full impact of what she said to me. 

I never said anything to her but in hindsight, I feel that I should have.  Not to have an argument but to point out to her how hurtful her comment had been. 

I maybe should have tried to explain to her that she was making me feel EXACTLY how she felt.

This did play on my mind for a while…thinking; “you are supposed to be my friend and you say something like this”.  I really don’t think she understood what she had said and I truly don’t believe she said it to hurt me…but it did.

We were and still are good friends, and that is the main thing.  I think, though, if something similar was to occur, I would maybe say something like:  “I take it you do not mean what you have just said”?  Also I would maybe try to point out that they were making me feel exactly how they were feeling.

Again, it will depend on the situation, who is saying it, and how YOU are feeling at the time.  If you do decide to say something, do not feel bad if the other person gets upset, sometimes things need to be said. 

Later on in this series, there is a story where someone got upset when I spoke to them about what they had said to me.  I felt that they were trying to take the heat of themselves by getting upset and not really taking on board what they had actually said, and what impact it had.  Anyway, that is for another day.

If something like my story has been said to you, try not to take it too much to heart.  The chances are, the person who said it probably does not have a clue what they have said and didn’t say it to hurt you.

There are so many great people out there, just waiting to meet you.  You have so much to give.

Stay strong, you will get through these situations.

We’ll chat soon.