Hi, you are “face to face with Shell”.

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I received severe burns when I was in a gas explosion at 13 years old, which obviously changed the way I looked forever.

Always try to remember that although you may look different on the outside, you are still the same person inside.

People will maybe treat you differently.

They may not know what to say to you.

They may be afraid that they will upset you.

They may feel that you might think that they are staring at you.

They might not want to talk about what happened to you.

They might think that you don’t want to talk about what happened to you.

So, yeah, maybe you are being treated differently but you are still the same person.

This can be hard to accept, as now, you are different on the outside.  You may feel like shouting:  “Hey, I’m still me…treat me the same”.

You are the same person though and people will see that shining through…a SMILE can go a long way…it can break the ice; even if someone is staring at you.

We are not just what we look like.  We are a whole lot more.  Let people see you shine from within.

Stay strong and we’ll chat soon.