Hi, you are “face to face with Shell”.
Again, as with the page/video “Pirate Claw Hand”, I am going to have a little fun and tell you a story about my “magical claw hand” and how it helped me when I touched “The Elf on the Shelf”.
Please watch this video and read on:
If you have been following me, you will know my story, if not; I was severely burned in a gas explosion and my right hand especially was very badly burned (fourth degree burns). I have been left with a functional hand but not one that you would call “normal”. Sometimes, I can have some fun with my “claw” (as I call it) and it can get me out of situations…especially if I drop something, I can blame “the claw”…lol.
I was visiting my younger cousin and her family near Christmas. Her little daughter asked me if I would like to see her Elf. Now in my defense here, I knew of The Elf on the Shelf but didn’t really know the story or what the deal was. She took me to see her Elf. I told her that it was lovely and I then done the UNTHINKABLE…I TOUCHED IT!
She then freaked out and told me that because I had touched it, it was no longer magical. I said: “No problem” and I shook my “normal hand” at it and told her that the magic had now returned. She was having none of it. I then thought quickly and shook my “magical hand” at it. The magic had now returned. All was well in the world.

My hand as it looks now (2019).
She had asked a while before the “Elf incident” why was my thumb nail different; not my hand, not my face, or arms but my thumb nail; it seems to be something that kids notice…
I told her the story that the unicorns lived in the woods behind my mum’s house. I had sent her photographs before of unicorn fluff “needle frost” and she believed me. I would add to the story with more photos each time we walked up the woods. I loved it…children are full of such magic.
Anyway, to explain my nail and hand, I told her that one day, as the unicorn was passing, it brushed past me and made my hand magical.

The “unicorn fluff” (2018).
By telling her this story, it got me out of touching the Elf…phew! Lol!
I hope you enjoyed this fun story, I am trying to show that you can “have fun with burns”.
Stay strong and I hope I have made you smile.
Take care and we’ll chat soon.
Please click on the link below, if you would like to see the next video: