Hi, you are “face to face with Shell”.

Me getting ready for Halloween; at the bottom of Bran Castle, Transylvania (2015).

Chris getting ready too (2015).
I love Halloween/Samhain; I love the fun that goes along with it. I also love the true origins and meaning of Halloween…the veil is at it’s thinnest…between this world and the other.
I know in other parts of the world, on the night of Halloween, kids go out “trick-or-treating” but in Scotland, we call it guising; as the children are in “disguise”.

Halloween night; me with a couple of Jack-o’-lanterns at Bran Castle (2015).

Halloween; looking up at Bran Castle (2015).

Chris and I on Halloween night at Bran Castle (2015).

Beautiful Transylvania (2015).
I also love the Mexican “Day of the Day” and how they celebrate.

Me celebrating the Day of the Dead (2019).
Please click on the link below, if you would like to find out more about “Dia de los Muertos”:
If you haven’t already seen the “First Impressions” video, please have a look below. I talk about how one of my friends was slightly confused between my scars and my “make-up” on first meeting me, when we attended a rock festival and also how I dealt with someone who asked me, sarcastically, what I was supposed to be on a Halloween night out.
Please watch the video below, where I tell of another funny story involving Halloween and my “make-up”:
There is another story; which is slightly similar to one that I have just told in the video above. This didn’t happen at Halloween but it was just before Christmas.
On the last day of work, just before the Christmas holidays, a friend and I got dressed-up for some pre-holiday fun. I was Andy Pandy and my friend was a Christmas Fairy.
After our day at the office had ended, we decided to go up to the local town in our costumes. Everyone was getting into the Christmas spirit. There were some other people dressed up too and we had a good laugh with them and shoppers alike, waving at all the children. It was great fun.
My friend and I popped into a shop, and the sales assistant was telling us that our costumes were brilliant. As I was reaching for my change from the sales assistant, she leaned forward to touch my face, saying that my make-up was brilliant but as she done so, she quickly realised that my make-up was in fact my scars and she had no clue what to do with herself.
I felt really sorry for her. I reached up and touched my own face and said: “Oh, thank you very much”. I think she knew that I knew what had just happened but we just both smiled at each other, and my friend and I left the shop.
My friend and I did have a little giggle about it afterwards but also said that we felt really sorry for the sales assistant and at that moment, it was the only thing that I could think of to stop her feeling embarrassed.
Below is another funny story about how I would “use my scars”: Please have a watch:
I hope you have enjoyed this page…have a great Halloween.
Have fun and we’ll chat soon.