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The next story I am going to tell is a shorter one but I really think it is worth a mention. 

It really wasn’t that long after my burn injury, I think it was the year after, therefore, my scars were still very red and thick, and of course, very noticable.  My face was a VERY bright shade of red, I stood out wherever I went.

Mum and dad had taken me on holiday to my favourite seaside resort; Blackpool in England.  This is still a favourite of mine, it holds many, many happy childhood memories, as this is where we would holiday every year when I was young. 

Mum and I had gone into a cafe for a light snack and our server was a young man, not much older than myself (I would have been around fourteen or fifteen at the time).  Once he had taken our order, he came back to our table, leaned over a little so that no one else could really hear what he was saying and asked me:  “What happened”?   I explained that I had been in a gas explosion.  He just said:  “Awwwwwwwwwww”.  We both smiled at each other and he then went about his day. 

My mum and I looked at each other, and again smiled.  We both agreed that it was a really great way that he had conducted himself.  It really left me with a good feeling.

He hadn’t stared, he hadn’t gone away to talk about me to the other servers; he simply seen that something big had happened to me and in a kind manner, asked me what had happened.  He gave me what felt like a little sympathy but not over the top, then got on with his day.

I felt really good after this interaction, I felt he had asked what had happened to me in a great way.

I wished all my interactions about my scars left me feeling this way…lol.

Stay safe, stay strong, and we’ll chat soon.