Hi, you are “face to face with Shell”.
I hope you have been enjoying the series “Camouflage Make-Up”, which we are nearing the end of. I am now going to talk about “illuminators”.
Before I do, have you seen the other pages/videos in this series? Please click on the links below to view:
Please have a look at the video below and read on for more information, and for links to the products I talk about:
An illuminator casts light more generally
An illuminator can be dry (powder) or wet (in liquid form). A liquid illuminator can be mixed with your foundation or you can use a primer that has an illuminator in it.
Everything will be trial and error.
I have read lots of information on the internet about how to apply illuminators and highlighters, and the “right and wrongs”. Do what looks and feels right for you.
To change the shape of your face; i.e., to make it appear that you have higher cheek bones; use a contour and highlighter. They are designed to change the shape of your face.
Whereas using an illuminator will enhance your “best features” that are all ready there, without you having to “create” them.
Illuminators bring overall radiance to your skin
My advice; if you are relatively new to this and you want to use an illuminator, go with a liquid that can be mixed with your foundation or use it sparingly once you have finished your “look”.
I hope this all makes sense to you. If you are a bit unsure, stick to the contouring and bronzing, and if you feel you want a little “shine”, use either a highlighter or an illuminator softly until you get the hang of things.
Above all; try not to get too caught-up with it all…you will find your look and what suits you best, and what works for you.
Please look at the products I have picked out below, I hope you find one that suits you…HAVE FUN!!!
If you want to get your own NYX product that I use in my video, please click on the link below:
This is the Emma Hardie illuminating primer, which I showed in the video, although a larger version; this is around £35 U.K.
If you are on more of a budget, I have found this one that comes in at approx. £4 U.K. and comes in two colours:
Below is an illuminating cream, available in three shades and comes in at approx. £2.20 U.K.
The one below comes in four colours, hopefully there will be one to suit you and it is described as an “all-rounder”; NYX Professional Make-Up “Born To Glow” Illuminator, Liquid Shimmer, Highlighter, Foundation Base and at around £8 U.K.:

Stay safe, stay strong, and we’ll chat soon.