Hi, you are “face to face with Shell”.
I had to learn to do things differently after I was burned. My right hand received fourth degree burns, leaving me with a “claw” hand. My body did adapt and now I find that I can do more things with both my hands, for example; I was painting a wall with a brush and found it no problem to switch between my right and left hand, something I would not have been able to do before I was burned.
Below is a photograph of how my hand looks now. If you look at the previous page “Burn Injury Recovery (Part 4)”, it shows more photographs of my hand (all links to previous pages/videos in this series are below):
This sort of happened to my dad. When he was really young, he was burned on his right arm; he was right handed. He learned to use his left arm/hand and never returned to his right hand.
Your body is amazing, it will adapt, it will help you…let it…you will be surprised at what you can actually achieve.